Name | Discipline | Demographic | Degree |
ARIT Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Turkey | Arts and Humanities
All, International students
PhD, Post Doctorate
Émigré Memorial German Internship Program |
AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellows Program | Engineering, Physical Sciences
All, International students
Senior, Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF) | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Masters, PhD
Abe Fellowship | Social Sciences
All, International students
Post Doctorate
AERA Dissertation Grants Program | Social Sciences
All, International students
AERA Fellowship Program on the Study of Deeper Learning | Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Post Doctorate
AHRQ Grants for Health Services Research Dissertation Program (R36) | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
AIF Banyan Impact Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Air Force Science & Technology Fellowship Program | Physical Sciences
Post Doctorate
Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, The | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Masters, PhD
Alfa Fellowship Program | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
All, International students
PhD, Professional Doctorate
American Philosophical Society Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Fellowship for Research in Edinburgh | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
American Public Transportation Foundation Scholarship | Social Sciences
All, International students
Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters
American Society for Theatre Research Fellowships | Arts and Humanities
PhD, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated
American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellowships & Grants | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate
AmeriCorps Ally Program | Open to All Disciplines
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated
Amgen Scholars Program at Caltech | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Sophomore, Junior, Senior
AMS Graduate Fellowships | Physical Sciences
Masters, PhD
APA Predoctoral Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (MHSAS) Fellowship | Social Sciences
APSA Diversity Fellowship Program | Social Sciences
Argonne National Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs | Physical Sciences
Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated
ARIT Summer Fellowships for Intensive Advanced Turkish Language Study at Bogazici University, Istanbul |
Junior, Senior, PhD
ASA Minority Fellowship Program | Open to All Disciplines
Astronaut Scholarship | Engineering, Physical Sciences
USC students
Sophomore, Junior
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships | Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
Beckman Center History of Science Dissertation Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
All, International students
PhD, Professional Doctorate
Beckman Center History of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
All, International students
Post Doctorate
Beinecke Scholarship Program | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Demonstrates Financial Need
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Demonstrates Financial Need
Berger and Green Heart Disease Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
Beth and Arthur Lev Student Research Fellowship Summer 2021 | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
Biodesign Innovation Fellowship | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
All, International students
Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate
Blakemore Freeman Fellowships | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters
Blakemore Freeman Fellowships | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Undergraduate, Recently Graduated
BMI Foundation Scholarships | Arts and Humanities
Boren Awards for International Study | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Boren Graduate Fellowships | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Recently Graduated
Bullitt Environmental Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship Program | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
California Sea Grant State Fellowship | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Recently Graduated
CAORC Multi-Country Research Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
PhD, Post Doctorate
Capital Fellows Program | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate
Carvalho International Research Fellowship | Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
CCST Science and Technology Policy Fellowship | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate
CDC Evaluation Fellowship | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Social Sciences
All, International students
Masters, Post Doctorate
CES Dissertation Fellowship | Social Sciences
All, International students
Chancellor's International Research Scholarships | Open to All Disciplines
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, Recently Graduated
Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Demonstrates Financial Need
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program | Open to All Disciplines
Sophomore, Junior, Undergraduate
Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
All, International students
Chateaubriand Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Chinese Language Fellowship Program | Not Specified
Masters, PhD, Recently Graduated
Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick's Child of an American Veteran Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick's Child of Disabled Veteran Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
Chishom Chisholm & Kilpatrick's Law School Scholarship for Veterans | Open to All Disciplines
Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated
Churchill Scholarship | Engineering, Physical Sciences
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
City Year | Open to All Disciplines
All, First generation college students , Minorities, USC students
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Open to All Disciplines
Consular Fellows Program | Open to All Disciplines
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Coro Fellows Program | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate
Critical Language Scholars (CLS) Program | Open to All Disciplines
CSMC Movement Disorders Fellowship | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
Cultural Vistas Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
First generation college students , Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities
Sophomore, Junior
Cultural Vistas Summer Internship Program in Germany | Open to All Disciplines
Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Cybersecurity Talent Initiative | Engineering
Demonstrates Financial Need
Masters, Undergraduate
DAAD Research Grants | Open to All Disciplines
DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship |
PhD, Post Doctorate
Danone North America Gut Microbiome, Yogurt and Probiotics Fellowship Grant | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Masters, PhD
Data Science Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated
DOD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
DOD Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
DOE Clean Cities University Workforce Development Program |
DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
DOE General Counsel Law Student Intern Program |
DOE General Counsel Undergraduate Intern Program | Not Specified
DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Not Specified
Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship Program |
Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Dr. Rodolfo Montes Scholarship | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Social Sciences
First generation college students , Minorities, USC students
Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Program | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Post Doctorate
EDF Climate Corps Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
EDF Climate Corps Fellowship | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
EDU United States to Australian Fellowship |
EERE Student Volunteer Internship Program | Not Specified
Eileen Sweeney Graduate Internship in Disability Policy | Social Sciences, Open to All Disciplines
Masters, PhD
Einstein Fellowship | Interdisciplinary
Post Doctorate
Eisenhower Global Scholars Program | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters
Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship | Social Sciences
All, International students
Ella Lyman Cabot Grants, The | Arts and Humanities
Explorers Club Exploration Fund Grant, The | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate
Ezera Research Fellowship for African Students | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
International students
Senior, Masters, PhD
Feuchtwanger Conference Travel Award |
All, International students, USC students
Masters, PhD
Financial Leadership Fellowship |
Ford Foundation Predoctoral, Dissertation & Doctoral Awards |
Senior, Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate
Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship |
Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, Women
Sophomore, Masters
Fulbright U.S. Student Program | Open to All Disciplines
Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
Fulbright US-UK Summer Institute Program | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore
Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters
GEM Fellowship Program, The | Engineering, Physical Sciences
Masters, PhD
Generation Google Scholarship | Engineering
Minorities, Women
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters
Georgetown University's Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Undergraduate
German Chancellor Fellowship for Tomorrow's Leaders, The | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Global Writing & Speaking Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters
Goldwater Scholarship | Engineering, Physical Sciences
Sophomore, Junior
Google Hispanic College Fund Scholarship | Engineering
Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities
Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Google Lime Scholarship | Engineering
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Google Student Fellowship | Engineering
Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship | Engineering
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Google Travel and Conference Grants | Engineering
Minorities, Women
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Masters, PhD
Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
GRAMMY Museum Grants |
Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate
Greenberg Research Fellowship, Katz Research Fellowship in Genocide Studies and Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
PhD, Professional Doctorate
Gulf Research Program Science Policy Fellowship | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate
Harold Gulliksen Psychometric Research Fellowship | Social Sciences
Harry Frank Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships | Open to All Disciplines
Harry S. Truman Scholarship, The | Open to All Disciplines
Harvard University PON Graduate Research Fellowship | Social Sciences
All, International students
Harvard-Amgen Scholars Program | Not Specified
Minorities, Women
Haynes Lindley Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships | Social Sciences
All, International students
Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Post-Doctoral Fellowship in China Studies | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Predissertation-Summer Travel Grant in China Studies | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, The | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Hertog Foundation Summer Fellowships Programs |
Undergraduate, Recently Graduated
Hertz Foundation Fellowship | Engineering, Physical Sciences
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Humanity in Action Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Humboldt Research Fellowship Program for Postdoctoral Researchers | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Post Doctorate
IAF Grassroots Development PhD Fellowship | Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
IBUILD Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Masters, PhD
IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
PhD, Post Doctorate
Ikeda Center Education Fellows Program | Social Sciences
PhD, Professional Doctorate
Imagining America JGS Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Open to All Disciplines
First generation college students , Demonstrates Financial Need
Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Intramural and Extramural Loan Repayment Programs | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate
Jacobs Science Writer Fellowship |
Masters, Professional Doctorate
James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
James Madison Fellowships |
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship Fund, The | Arts and Humanities
John Foy & Associates Strong Arm Leukemia Scholarship, The | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated
John Heinz Dissertation Award | Open to All Disciplines
John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Josephine De Karman Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
All, International students
Senior, PhD
Kanders Churchill Scholarship |
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship | Arts and Humanities
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Kent's Summer Schools |
Kluge Fellowships | Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
All, International students
Post Doctorate
Knight-Hennessy Scholars | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Program | Engineering, Physical Sciences
PhD, Post Doctorate
Lead For America Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Masters
Leland International Hunger Fellows Program |
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, Professional Doctorate
Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research, The | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
International students
Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Post Doctorate
Luce Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in American Art | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship | Engineering, Physical Sciences
All, International students
Masters, PhD
Mariam K. Chamberlain Dissertation Award | Open to All Disciplines
All, International students, Women
Marshall Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Max Weber Programme | Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
Maymester |
USC students
Mellon CLIR Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
All, First generation college students , International students, Minorities, Women
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
First generation college students , Minorities, USC students, Women
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Mellon/ACLS Public Fellowship for Recent PhDs | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
Michel David-Weill Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program |
Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Microsoft Research Ph. D. Fellowship Program | Engineering
Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program | Engineering, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Psychology Summer Institute (PSI) | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Mitchell Scholarship Program, The | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
MMUF Dissertation Support Program | Open to All Disciplines
Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows | Open to All Disciplines
National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program | Open to All Disciplines
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships for Research in Turkey | Arts and Humanities
All, International students
National Garage Door Atlanta Asthma and Allergy Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
National Geographic Young Explorer Grant | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
All, International students
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate
National Humanities Center Fellowships | Open to All Disciplines
Post Doctorate
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program |
Native American Congressional Internship Program | Open to All Disciplines
Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program | Engineering
Post Doctorate
NEH-Hagley Postdoctoral Fellowship on Business, Culture, and Society | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Post Doctorate
New Israel Fund Social Justice Fellowship in Israel | Open to All Disciplines
Newton International Fellowships | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program | Not Specified
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program | Physical Sciences
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
NPSC Graduate Fellowship | Engineering, Physical Sciences
First generation college students , Minorities, Women
Masters, PhD
NRC Research Associateship Program | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
International students
Post Doctorate
NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI) | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Masters, PhD
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Minorities, Women
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
NSF Math Sciences Summer Internship for Doctoral Students |
Nuclear Energy University Program Scholarships and Fellowships |
Masters, Undergraduate
Obama Foundation Fellowship |
ORISE Internships, Fellowships, and Research Experiences |
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate
ORISE STEM Internships and Fellowships |
Palmetto Administrative Fellowship Program | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Pan Am Flight 103 Legacy Award |
All, International students
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, The | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Recently Graduated
Peace Corps | Open to All Disciplines
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
PERC Graduate Fellowship |
Masters, PhD
Pharma Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Phi Beta Kappa Public Service Scholarship | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Phi Kappa Phi Study | Open to All Disciplines
International students
PhRMA Foundation Pre Doctoral Fellowship, Adherence Improvement | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
All, International students
Pickering Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
First generation college students , Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, Women
Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Porter Physiology Development Minority Fellowship | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Post-doctoral Fellows for recent PhD's in Mathematics | Physical Sciences
Post Doctorate
PPIA Fellowship Program |
Presidential Management Fellows Program | Not Specified
Masters, PhD
Presidential Scholars in Society and Neuroscience | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Post Doctorate
Princess Grace Awards | Arts and Humanities
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Princeton in Africa |
Senior, Recently Graduated
Princeton in Asia |
Senior, Recently Graduated
Princeton in Latin America | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Recently Graduated
Princeton Society of Fellows | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
All, International students
Post Doctorate
Program Fellowship for Sustainability, Culture and Community | Arts and Humanities, Interdisciplinary
Minorities, USC students, Women
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate
ProInspire Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Project Global Officer (GO) | Open to All Disciplines
Masters, Undergraduate
Psychable Scholarship | Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Not Specified, Open to All Disciplines
All, First generation college students , International students, Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, USC students, Women
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated
Quad Fellowships | Engineering, Physical Sciences
All, International students
Masters, PhD
Racial Equity and Inclusion Scholars Program | Social Sciences
PhD, Post Doctorate
Randall Blair Isenberg Alcohol Addiction Awareness Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
Randy Pausch Scholarship Fund | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore, Masters, PhD
Rashi Fein Internship in Health Policy | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Social Sciences
Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Reimagine Challenge 2020 | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
Rhodes Scholarships, The | Open to All Disciplines
Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Richard Gilder Graduate School Postdoctoral Fellowships |
Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program |
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowships in Buddhist Studies | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
International students
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Fellowships in Buddhist Studies, The | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
International students
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program |
Rotary Global Grant Scholarships | Open to All Disciplines
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Recently Graduated
Rotary Peace Fellowship |
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Pre-doctoral Fellowship (F31) | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Schwarzman Scholars | Open to All Disciplines
Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, Undergraduate
Science and Technology Policy Fellowships | Engineering
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated
Science Education Programs at National Energy Technology Laboratory |
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated
Science to Achieve Results Fellowship Program | Engineering, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Masters, PhD
Scripps Fellowship |
Masters, Professional Doctorate
SFI Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
All, International students
Post Doctorate
Silver Scholar Program, The |
Skoll Scholarship, The |
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)
Smithsonian Fellowship Opportunities | Open to All Disciplines
Somers Aging and Long-Term Care Research Internship |
Soros Justice Youth Activist Fellowships | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
All, International students
SQCC Research Fellowship Program in Oman | Open to All Disciplines
SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
International students
SSRC Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
All, International students
Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship | Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
Switzer Environmental Fellowship Program | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Masters, PhD
Teach for America |
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated
Teaching Fellow Positions | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
PhD, Post Doctorate
The Alfred Landecker Democracy Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
The Cordisco & Saile Leukemia Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
The Healthline & NAMI Stronger Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Freshman, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Tillman Scholars |
Title VIII Research Scholar Program | Social Sciences
Post Doctorate
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program Dissertation Award | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
International students
Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities
Junior, Senior
Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship, The | Social Sciences
UCLA Law Fellows Program | Open to All Disciplines
Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Sophomore, Junior
UNCF/Merck Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowships | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Open to All Disciplines
All, Women
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated
Underrepresented Minority Postdoctoral Enrichment Program | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Interdisciplinary
PhD, Post Doctorate
USC Alumni Scholarships | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
USC Annenberg Fall, Spring, and Summer Scholarships for Current Students | Social Sciences
USC Association for Japan-U.S. Community Exchange (ACE) - Nikaido Fellowship | Not Specified
USC students
Masters, PhD
USC Bhutani Family Summer Research and Travel Fund | Arts and Humanities
USC students
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Undergraduate
USC Dornsife Continuing Student Scholarships | Arts and Humanities, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
USC students
USC Dornsife Scholars Program | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
USC students
USC Dornsife Washington D.C. Program | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
USC Douglas Nelson Award | Arts and Humanities
USC students
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Undergraduate
USC Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships | Arts and Humanities
USC students
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
USC Graduate School Endowed Dissertation Completion PhD Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
USC Half Century Trojans Scholarships | Arts and Humanities, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
USC students
USC Kallins Hellenic Studies Summer Fellowship | Arts and Humanities
USC students
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
USC Libraries Research Award | Open to All Disciplines
All, International students, USC students
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
USC Marshall School of Business Scholarships for Continuing Students | Arts and Humanities
USC students
USC Problems Without Passports | Not Specified
USC students
USC Rockwell Dennis Hunt Scholastic Award | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate
USC Sayoko Kono Legacy Fund | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
USC School of Architecture Endowed Scholarships | Arts and Humanities
Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, USC students
USC School of Cinematic Arts Endowed Scholarships for Current Students | Arts and Humanities
USC students
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
USC Schwarzenegger Institute Spotlight Award | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
USC Sidney Harman Academy for Polymathic Study | Open to All Disciplines
USC students
Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated
USC Student Opportunities for Academic Research (SOAR) | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
USC students
USC Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) and Summer Humanities Undergraduate Research Experience (SHURE) | Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
USC students
USC Viterbi Scholarships for Continuing Students | Engineering
USC students
USC WiSE Undergraduate Research Experience | Not Specified
USC students
USGIF Scholarship Program |
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Veterans & Military Family Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Undergraduate
Virtual Visiting Scholars | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Post Doctorate
Wallenberg Academy Fellows | Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences
Post Doctorate
Washington Internship on Social Insurance |
WAVE Fellows |
First generation college students , Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, Women
Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Wilshire Quinn Musical Arts Scholarship | Arts and Humanities
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Undergraduate
Women Techmakers Scholarship | Engineering
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD
Wonderland Award | Open to All Disciplines
All, International students, USC students
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate
Wondershare Filmora Scholarship | Open to All Disciplines
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies | Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship |
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD
Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships | Arts and Humanities
Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities
Masters, PhD, Undergraduate
Yenching Academy Fellowship | Open to All Disciplines
Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated
Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program | Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Post Doctorate