Find an Opportunity

Degree Demographic Discipline Keyword
Bachelors degree
Professional Doctorate
Post Doctorate
Recently Graduated
First generation college students
International students
Demonstrates Financial Need
USC students
Arts and Humanities
Life Sciences/ Health Sciences
Physical Sciences
Social Sciences
Results: 309
Name Discipline Demographic Degree
ARIT Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Turkey

Arts and Humanities


All, International students


PhD, Post Doctorate


Émigré Memorial German Internship Program





AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellows Program

Engineering, Physical Sciences


All, International students


Senior, Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate


AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF)

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences



Masters, PhD


Abe Fellowship

Social Sciences


All, International students


Post Doctorate


AERA Dissertation Grants Program

Social Sciences


All, International students




AERA Fellowship Program on the Study of Deeper Learning

Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Post Doctorate


AHRQ Grants for Health Services Research Dissertation Program (R36)

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences





AIF Banyan Impact Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Air Force Science & Technology Fellowship Program

Physical Sciences



Post Doctorate


Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, The

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences



Masters, PhD


Alfa Fellowship Program

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated


American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences


All, International students


PhD, Professional Doctorate


American Philosophical Society Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Fellowship for Research in Edinburgh

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences



Post Doctorate


American Public Transportation Foundation Scholarship

Social Sciences


All, International students


Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters


American Society for Theatre Research Fellowships

Arts and Humanities



PhD, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated


American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellowships & Grants

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate


AmeriCorps Ally Program

Open to All Disciplines



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated


Amgen Scholars Program at Caltech

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Sophomore, Junior, Senior


AMS Graduate Fellowships

Physical Sciences



Masters, PhD


APA Predoctoral Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (MHSAS) Fellowship

Social Sciences






APSA Diversity Fellowship Program

Social Sciences






Argonne National Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs

Physical Sciences



Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated


ARIT Summer Fellowships for Intensive Advanced Turkish Language Study at Bogazici University, Istanbul



Junior, Senior, PhD


ASA Minority Fellowship Program

Open to All Disciplines






Astronaut Scholarship

Engineering, Physical Sciences


USC students


Sophomore, Junior


Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences



Post Doctorate


Beckman Center History of Science Dissertation Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences


All, International students


PhD, Professional Doctorate


Beckman Center History of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences


All, International students


Post Doctorate


Beinecke Scholarship Program

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


Demonstrates Financial Need




Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines


Demonstrates Financial Need




Berger and Green Heart Disease Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


Beth and Arthur Lev Student Research Fellowship Summer 2021

Open to All Disciplines


USC students


Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


Biodesign Innovation Fellowship

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences


All, International students


Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate


Blakemore Freeman Fellowships

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters


Blakemore Freeman Fellowships

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Undergraduate, Recently Graduated


BMI Foundation Scholarships

Arts and Humanities




Boren Awards for International Study

Open to All Disciplines



Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Boren Graduate Fellowships

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Recently Graduated


Bullitt Environmental Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines






California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship Program

Open to All Disciplines




Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior


California Sea Grant State Fellowship

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary




Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Recently Graduated


CAORC Multi-Country Research Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences



PhD, Post Doctorate


Capital Fellows Program

Open to All Disciplines


USC students


Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate


Carvalho International Research Fellowship

Social Sciences



Post Doctorate


CCST Science and Technology Policy Fellowship

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate


CDC Evaluation Fellowship

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Social Sciences


All, International students


Masters, Post Doctorate


CES Dissertation Fellowship

Social Sciences


All, International students




Chancellor's International Research Scholarships

Open to All Disciplines



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, Recently Graduated


Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines


Demonstrates Financial Need


Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program

Open to All Disciplines



Sophomore, Junior, Undergraduate


Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


All, International students




Chateaubriand Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences





Chinese Language Fellowship Program

Not Specified



Masters, PhD, Recently Graduated


Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick's Child of an American Veteran Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines





Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick's Child of Disabled Veteran Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


Chishom Chisholm & Kilpatrick's Law School Scholarship for Veterans

Open to All Disciplines



Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated


Churchill Scholarship

Engineering, Physical Sciences



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


City Year

Open to All Disciplines


All, First generation college students , Minorities, USC students


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals

Open to All Disciplines





Consular Fellows Program

Open to All Disciplines



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Coro Fellows Program

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate


Critical Language Scholars (CLS) Program

Open to All Disciplines





CSMC Movement Disorders Fellowship

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences




Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


Cultural Vistas Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines


First generation college students , Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities


Sophomore, Junior


Cultural Vistas Summer Internship Program in Germany

Open to All Disciplines



Sophomore, Junior, Senior


Cybersecurity Talent Initiative



Demonstrates Financial Need


Masters, Undergraduate


DAAD Research Grants

Open to All Disciplines





DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship



PhD, Post Doctorate


Danone North America Gut Microbiome, Yogurt and Probiotics Fellowship Grant

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences



Masters, PhD


Data Science Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines



Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated


DOD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


DOD Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART)

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


DOE Clean Cities University Workforce Development Program




DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF)

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


DOE General Counsel Law Student Intern Program





DOE General Counsel Undergraduate Intern Program

Not Specified





DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences





DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships

Not Specified



Sophomore, Junior, Senior


Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship Program


Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities


Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Dr. Rodolfo Montes Scholarship

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Social Sciences


First generation college students , Minorities, USC students




Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Program

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Post Doctorate


EDF Climate Corps Fellowship

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary





EDF Climate Corps Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines





EDU United States to Australian Fellowship




EERE Student Volunteer Internship Program

Not Specified





Eileen Sweeney Graduate Internship in Disability Policy

Social Sciences, Open to All Disciplines



Masters, PhD


Einstein Fellowship




Post Doctorate


Eisenhower Global Scholars Program

Open to All Disciplines




Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters


Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship

Social Sciences


All, International students




Ella Lyman Cabot Grants, The

Arts and Humanities




Explorers Club Exploration Fund Grant, The

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary




Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate


Ezera Research Fellowship for African Students

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


International students


Senior, Masters, PhD


Feuchtwanger Conference Travel Award


All, International students, USC students


Masters, PhD


Financial Leadership Fellowship




Ford Foundation Predoctoral, Dissertation & Doctoral Awards




Senior, Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate


Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship


Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, Women


Sophomore, Masters


Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Open to All Disciplines



Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


Fulbright US-UK Summer Institute Program

Open to All Disciplines



Freshman, Sophomore


Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters


GEM Fellowship Program, The

Engineering, Physical Sciences




Masters, PhD


Generation Google Scholarship



Minorities, Women


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters


Georgetown University's Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues

Open to All Disciplines



Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Undergraduate


German Chancellor Fellowship for Tomorrow's Leaders, The

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Global Writing & Speaking Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters


Goldwater Scholarship

Engineering, Physical Sciences



Sophomore, Junior


Google Hispanic College Fund Scholarship



Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities


Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Google Lime Scholarship




Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Google Student Fellowship







Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship




Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Google Travel and Conference Grants



Minorities, Women


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Masters, PhD


Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary





GRAMMY Museum Grants




Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate


Greenberg Research Fellowship, Katz Research Fellowship in Genocide Studies and Breslauer, Rutman, and Anderson Research Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences




PhD, Professional Doctorate


Gulf Research Program Science Policy Fellowship

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate


Harold Gulliksen Psychometric Research Fellowship

Social Sciences





Harry Frank Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships

Open to All Disciplines





Harry S. Truman Scholarship, The

Open to All Disciplines





Harvard University PON Graduate Research Fellowship

Social Sciences


All, International students




Harvard-Amgen Scholars Program

Not Specified


Minorities, Women




Haynes Lindley Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

Social Sciences


All, International students




Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Post-Doctoral Fellowship in China Studies

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences



Post Doctorate


Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Predissertation-Summer Travel Grant in China Studies

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences





Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, The

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Hertog Foundation Summer Fellowships Programs



Undergraduate, Recently Graduated


Hertz Foundation Fellowship

Engineering, Physical Sciences




Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF)

Open to All Disciplines




Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Humanity in Action Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines



Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Humboldt Research Fellowship Program for Postdoctoral Researchers

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Post Doctorate


IAF Grassroots Development PhD Fellowship

Physical Sciences, Social Sciences






IBUILD Graduate Research Fellowship

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Masters, PhD


IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



PhD, Post Doctorate


Ikeda Center Education Fellows Program

Social Sciences



PhD, Professional Doctorate


Imagining America JGS Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Open to All Disciplines


First generation college students , Demonstrates Financial Need


Sophomore, Junior, Senior


Intramural and Extramural Loan Repayment Programs

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate


Jacobs Science Writer Fellowship




Masters, Professional Doctorate


James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


James Madison Fellowships



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship Fund, The

Arts and Humanities




John Foy & Associates Strong Arm Leukemia Scholarship, The

Open to All Disciplines




Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated


John Heinz Dissertation Award

Open to All Disciplines





John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary






Josephine De Karman Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines


All, International students


Senior, PhD


Kanders Churchill Scholarship



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship

Arts and Humanities



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Kent's Summer Schools




Kluge Fellowships

Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary


All, International students


Post Doctorate


Knight-Hennessy Scholars

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Program

Engineering, Physical Sciences



PhD, Post Doctorate


Lead For America Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Masters


Leland International Hunger Fellows Program



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, Professional Doctorate


Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research, The

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary


International students




Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences



Post Doctorate


Luce Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in American Art

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences





Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship

Engineering, Physical Sciences


All, International students


Masters, PhD


Mariam K. Chamberlain Dissertation Award

Open to All Disciplines


All, International students, Women




Marshall Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Max Weber Programme

Social Sciences



Post Doctorate




USC students




Mellon CLIR Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary


All, First generation college students , International students, Minorities, Women




Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary


First generation college students , Minorities, USC students, Women


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior


Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences





Mellon/ACLS Public Fellowship for Recent PhDs

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences



Post Doctorate


Michel David-Weill Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines





Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program



Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Microsoft Research Ph. D. Fellowship Program







Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program

Engineering, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences






Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Psychology Summer Institute (PSI)

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences






Mitchell Scholarship Program, The

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


MMUF Dissertation Support Program

Open to All Disciplines





Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows

Open to All Disciplines





National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program

Open to All Disciplines





National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships for Research in Turkey

Arts and Humanities


All, International students




National Garage Door Atlanta Asthma and Allergy Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


National Geographic Young Explorer Grant

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences


All, International students


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate


National Humanities Center Fellowships

Open to All Disciplines



Post Doctorate


National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program





Native American Congressional Internship Program

Open to All Disciplines




Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program




Post Doctorate


NEH-Hagley Postdoctoral Fellowship on Business, Culture, and Society

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Post Doctorate


New Israel Fund Social Justice Fellowship in Israel

Open to All Disciplines





Newton International Fellowships

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences



Post Doctorate


NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program

Not Specified



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program

Physical Sciences



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


NPSC Graduate Fellowship

Engineering, Physical Sciences


First generation college students , Minorities, Women


Masters, PhD


NRC Research Associateship Program

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences


International students


Post Doctorate


NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Masters, PhD


NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary


Minorities, Women


Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


NSF Math Sciences Summer Internship for Doctoral Students





Nuclear Energy University Program Scholarships and Fellowships



Masters, Undergraduate


Obama Foundation Fellowship




ORISE Internships, Fellowships, and Research Experiences



Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate


ORISE STEM Internships and Fellowships




Palmetto Administrative Fellowship Program

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences





Pan Am Flight 103 Legacy Award


All, International students


Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, The

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Recently Graduated


Peace Corps

Open to All Disciplines



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


PERC Graduate Fellowship



Masters, PhD


Pharma Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences





Phi Beta Kappa Public Service Scholarship

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences



Sophomore, Junior, Senior


Phi Kappa Phi Study

Open to All Disciplines


International students




PhRMA Foundation Pre Doctoral Fellowship, Adherence Improvement

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences


All, International students




Pickering Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


First generation college students , Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, Women


Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Porter Physiology Development Minority Fellowship

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences






Post-doctoral Fellows for recent PhD's in Mathematics

Physical Sciences



Post Doctorate


PPIA Fellowship Program




Presidential Management Fellows Program

Not Specified



Masters, PhD


Presidential Scholars in Society and Neuroscience

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary




Post Doctorate


Princess Grace Awards

Arts and Humanities



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Princeton in Africa



Senior, Recently Graduated


Princeton in Asia



Senior, Recently Graduated


Princeton in Latin America

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Recently Graduated


Princeton Society of Fellows

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary


All, International students


Post Doctorate


Program Fellowship for Sustainability, Culture and Community

Arts and Humanities, Interdisciplinary


Minorities, USC students, Women


Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate


ProInspire Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines






Project Global Officer (GO)

Open to All Disciplines



Masters, Undergraduate


Psychable Scholarship

Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Not Specified, Open to All Disciplines


All, First generation college students , International students, Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, USC students, Women


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated


Quad Fellowships

Engineering, Physical Sciences


All, International students


Masters, PhD


Racial Equity and Inclusion Scholars Program

Social Sciences




PhD, Post Doctorate


Randall Blair Isenberg Alcohol Addiction Awareness Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


Randy Pausch Scholarship Fund

Open to All Disciplines



Freshman, Sophomore, Masters, PhD


Rashi Fein Internship in Health Policy

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Social Sciences



Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Reimagine Challenge 2020

Open to All Disciplines



Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


Rhodes Scholarships, The

Open to All Disciplines



Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Richard Gilder Graduate School Postdoctoral Fellowships




Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowships in Buddhist Studies

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


International students




Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Fellowships in Buddhist Studies, The

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


International students




Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program




Rotary Global Grant Scholarships

Open to All Disciplines



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Recently Graduated


Rotary Peace Fellowship



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Pre-doctoral Fellowship (F31)

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences






Schwarzman Scholars

Open to All Disciplines



Junior, Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, Undergraduate


Science and Technology Policy Fellowships




Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated


Science Education Programs at National Energy Technology Laboratory



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated


Science to Achieve Results Fellowship Program

Engineering, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences



Masters, PhD


Scripps Fellowship



Masters, Professional Doctorate


SFI Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellowship

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary


All, International students


Post Doctorate


Silver Scholar Program, The




Skoll Scholarship, The



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled)


Smithsonian Fellowship Opportunities

Open to All Disciplines




Somers Aging and Long-Term Care Research Internship





Soros Justice Youth Activist Fellowships

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Spencer Dissertation Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines


All, International students




SQCC Research Fellowship Program in Oman

Open to All Disciplines




SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


International students




SSRC Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


All, International students




Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship

Social Sciences



Post Doctorate


Switzer Environmental Fellowship Program

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Interdisciplinary



Masters, PhD


Teach for America



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Post Doctorate, Recently Graduated


Teaching Fellow Positions

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary



PhD, Post Doctorate


The Alfred Landecker Democracy Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines



Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


The Cordisco & Saile Leukemia Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


The Healthline & NAMI Stronger Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Freshman, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Tillman Scholars




Title VIII Research Scholar Program

Social Sciences



Post Doctorate


Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program Dissertation Award

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences


International students




Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences


Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities


Junior, Senior


Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship, The

Social Sciences




UCLA Law Fellows Program

Open to All Disciplines



Sophomore, Junior, Senior


Udall Undergraduate Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines




Sophomore, Junior


UNCF/Merck Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowships

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences






Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Open to All Disciplines


All, Women


Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated


Underrepresented Minority Postdoctoral Enrichment Program

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Interdisciplinary




PhD, Post Doctorate


USC Alumni Scholarships

Open to All Disciplines


USC students



USC Annenberg Fall, Spring, and Summer Scholarships for Current Students

Social Sciences





USC Association for Japan-U.S. Community Exchange (ACE) - Nikaido Fellowship

Not Specified


USC students


Masters, PhD


USC Bhutani Family Summer Research and Travel Fund

Arts and Humanities


USC students


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Undergraduate


USC Dornsife Continuing Student Scholarships

Arts and Humanities, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences


USC students




USC Dornsife Scholars Program

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences


USC students




USC Dornsife Washington D.C. Program

Open to All Disciplines


USC students




USC Douglas Nelson Award

Arts and Humanities


USC students


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Undergraduate


USC Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships

Arts and Humanities


USC students


Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


USC Graduate School Endowed PhD Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines


USC students




USC Graduate School Final Year Fellowship

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


USC students




USC Graduate School Research Enhancement Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines


International students, USC students




USC Half Century Trojans Scholarships

Arts and Humanities, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences


USC students




USC Kallins Hellenic Studies Summer Fellowship

Arts and Humanities


USC students


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


USC Libraries Research Award

Open to All Disciplines


All, International students, USC students


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


USC Marshall School of Business Scholarships for Continuing Students

Arts and Humanities


USC students




USC Problems Without Passports

Not Specified


USC students




USC Rockwell Dennis Hunt Scholastic Award

Open to All Disciplines


USC students


Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate


USC Sayoko Kono Legacy Fund

Open to All Disciplines


USC students




USC School of Architecture Endowed Scholarships

Arts and Humanities


Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, USC students




USC School of Cinematic Arts Endowed Scholarships for Current Students

Arts and Humanities


USC students


Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


USC Schwarzenegger Institute Spotlight Award

Open to All Disciplines


USC students




USC Sidney Harman Academy for Polymathic Study

Open to All Disciplines


USC students


Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate, Undergraduate, Recently Graduated


USC Student Opportunities for Academic Research (SOAR)

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences


USC students




USC Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) and Summer Humanities Undergraduate Research Experience (SHURE)

Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences


USC students



USC Viterbi Scholarships for Continuing Students



USC students




USC WiSE Undergraduate Research Experience

Not Specified


USC students




USGIF Scholarship Program



Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Veterans & Military Family Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate, Undergraduate


Virtual Visiting Scholars

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Post Doctorate


Wallenberg Academy Fellows

Life Sciences/ Health Sciences, Physical Sciences



Post Doctorate


Washington Internship on Social Insurance





WAVE Fellows


First generation college students , Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities, Women


Sophomore, Junior, Senior


Wilshire Quinn Musical Arts Scholarship

Arts and Humanities




Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Undergraduate


Women Techmakers Scholarship





Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD


Wonderland Award

Open to All Disciplines


All, International students, USC students


Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Masters, PhD, Professional Doctorate


Wondershare Filmora Scholarship

Open to All Disciplines



Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies

Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences





Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Masters, PhD


Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships

Arts and Humanities


Demonstrates Financial Need, Minorities


Masters, PhD, Undergraduate


Yenching Academy Fellowship

Open to All Disciplines



Senior, Bachelors degree (not currently enrolled), Recently Graduated


Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program

Engineering, Life Sciences/ Health Sciences




Post Doctorate